
Join BarBichette as a member to meet our community and co-create BarBichette together

Community means strength that joins our strength to do the work that needs to be done. Arms to hold us when we falter. A circle of healing. A circle of friends.
Someplace where we can be free.

- Starhawk

Be part of our ecofeminist community

Do you want to join the BarBichette community? We are a Brussels-based ecofeminist collective for members.

Membership is open to any person who is aligned with our vision and would like to contribute to our collective activities and ecofeminist community. We have two types of memberships available: full membership and associate membership. Our aim is to co-create a community with our members to make BarBichette a true collective space. Want to join us on this adventure?

Read more below!

Your Community.

Your community awaits your contribution! Come co-create an event with us, a workshop that you’ve always wanted to attend or an action you want to make happen.

Check out what we offer to full members on this page! And make sure to familiarise yourself with who we are and how we function via the following links: 

Complete the application form to become a full member via this link! We will be in touch soon.

Find out more about joining as an associate member on this page.

Full membership

    • A community of people in Brussels aligned to the BarBichette vision

    • Opportunities to contribute to BarBichette by organising events, writing blogs, leading on projects and more

    • Free access to our members’ events and workshops with priority sign-up

    • Free access to our growing library of books in English - available at One Field Fallow

    • Invitation to our regular members’ only meetings

    • Invitation and vote at our annual General Assembly meeting

    • Opportunity to stand for the Board of BarBichette (our core team)

    And most importantly, a chance to co-create the BarBichette community together!

    • Alignment to our vision and mission

    • Sign on to our membership charter

    • Take part in the life of BarBichette by joining our activities, contributing ideas and knowledge, volunteering if possible

    • Attend the annual General Assembly (and vote on key decisions - we also offer online voting for accessibility)

    • Join our regular members’ meeting

    • Pay the membership fee (see below)

  • We currently maintain BarBichette through our membership fees and occasional fundraising. This ensures we cover our main running costs for our website, administration fees (such as insurance), events and maintaining our library.

    We believe that everyone should have access to our community, regardless of financial circumstances. Our membership contribution model is built on inclusion, trust and solidarity, ensuring no one is excluded because of the fee and that those who can afford more are able to contribute more in an act of solidarity. Members are asked to pay their fees upfront for either 6 months or 12 months:

    • Accessibility contribution: equivalent of 2€/month - 12€ for 6 months OR 24€ for 1 year

    • Fair contribution: equivalent of 5€/month - 30€ for 6 months OR 59€ for 1 year

    • Solidarity contribution: equivalent of 10€/month – 60€ for 6 months OR 120€ for 1 year

    We trust each member to contribute according to their means and personal situation.

Ready to apply as a member?

Other types of membership

  • Start as an associate member!

    If you would like to first find out more about BarBichette, you can start by becoming an Associate member. This will give you access to our community and an invitation to our events and workshops (for a small fee/donation when applicable). We still expect associate members to sign up to our membership charter and be aligned to our vision. There is no membership fee for associate members but we do encourage associate members to transition to full members after 6 months.

    Apply here for associate membership!