Eco-Feminist futures for the benefit of all
Why is eco-feminism a core principle for Barbichette?
Eco-Feminism has been around in various forms for generations, led by grassroots groups across the world, but it hasn’t always been called eco-feminism. Whatever the title, what’s important is what it stands for. We believe eco-feminism is crucial for progressing solutions for social problems facing the environment and a huge variety of groups.
For us, eco-feminism is about working together to create solutions that work for people and the planet, ensuring our values of being community-led, sustainable and equity-driven are realised in everything we do. This means practically working towards being zero-waste in how we operate, making sure we’re open to all perspectives while staying true to our ethos of exploration and celebrating possibilities of social change.
Eco-feminism is a celebration of hope for the future. It’s about realising that people working together in harmony and a spirit of inclusion can lead to social transformation. Here are some quotes we believe capture a little of the spirit of what eco-feminism means and why it’s crucial to our work together:
“The earth is sacred. We have a responsibility to care for the living systems that sustain us and, we have a responsibility to take care of each other.” - Starhawk
“Ecofeminism adds that patriarchy devalues women, and therefore devalues nature, because nature is seen as mother. Women and nature get trashed together. Anything patriarchy associates with women is also trashed: caring, compassion, mothering, emotions, looking after nature, valuing life over money. To survive the climate emergency, we need to know we’re part of Mother Nature. To value nature, we must honour women too, and vice versa.” — Dido Dunlop
“Intersectional ecofeminism also underscores the importance of gender, race and class, interlinking feminist concerns with human oppressions within patriarchy and the exploitations of a natural environment that women are often more reliant upon but also its guardians in many cultural contexts.” — Fatimah Kelleher
“The liberation of the earth, the liberation of women, the liberation of all humanity is the next step of freedom we need to work for, and it’s the next step of peace that we need to create.” — Vandana Shiva
We believe in collective liberation, equity for all and ensuring no one gets left behind as we work towards social solutions for our local and wider communities oppressed by Governments and patriarchal, capitalist, colonialist, domineering and top-down power structures.
Join us in Barbichette and let’s work towards an eco-feminist future for all!