In partnership with the Systemic Change Brussels group, we are hosting a discussion on how polarisation is increasing in Europe, creating more and more divides in political, social and cultural debates. How do we navigate this and keep pushing for just societies in the coming years amidst this context?
During the evening, we will explore “polarity practice”, which becomes relevant when an issue increases in complexity or if there is resistance around it. We know that systemic change is inherently complex, so it's important to approach it with curiosity and exploration, rather than getting stuck in a "right or wrong" mindset. Polarity practice can support us to capitalise on diversity, work with different perspectives, provide stability amidst circumstances of accelerated systemic change.
We’ll start the evening with some opening thoughts on polarisation and polarity practice and then move into an interactive discussion so participants can explore together polarisation, polarities and rethink some of the challenges we are confronted with.
When: Wednesday 25 September, from 18h30 to 21h00
RSVP: register here (please do asap, we have limited seats!)
Where: Mundo B, Rue d'Edimbourg 26, 1050 Ixelles